
# 17 Violet Fr inges : 16 pink # 32 Türk i s Fr inges : 31 l ime # 30 Aquamar in Fr inges : 20 blue # 54 Copper Fr inges : 60 papaya # 53 Gold Fr inges : 75 ochre F undamen tal l y sen s uou s Lagoon P 153 LA Maßteppi che · Rugs · Tapi s Ø min. 140 × 155 cm, max . 410 × 450 cm Des ign: Dagmar Marset z Magi c Sands P 153 MSA Maßteppi che · Rugs · Tapi s Ø min. 140 cm, max . 450 cm Des ign: Paul ine Junglas Sundowner / Sunr i se P 153 SU #50 / #70 Maßteppi che · Rugs · Tapi s Ø min. 140 cm, max . 450 cm Des ign: Dagmar Marset z One would almost want to take them to the sofa – that’s how indescribably intense these carpets feel like. The expressive designs are handmade in a small manufacture close to Delhi. Only the finest fibers, like the smooth tencel and new wool, are among the materials used. Light carving, changing pile heights as well as different kinds of fibers strengthen the haptic and optical stimulation. The carpets can be made according to your specifications. # 14 F i re Fr inges : 10 br ight red # 82 Greige Fr inges : 75 ochre # 81 L ight Grey Fr inges : 20 blue # 39 moss Fr inges : 80 grey # 87 Taupe Fr inges : 41 i vory # 85 Charcoal Fr inges : 80 grey 1 1 8 1 1 9 Co l l e c t i o n Ca r pe t s